What can an “Inner Child” possibly have to do with my business?
We invite you to answer the following questions: if you answer “yes” to at least ten of them, then it’s clear that to improve the quality of your life and achieve better results, you need to “meet” your Inner Child and do the necessary work to transform your childhood experiences.
1. You are very demanding of both yourself and others, and often judge yourself and others in many situations.
2. You are either hyper-responsible or, on the contrary, find it very difficult to take responsibility for anything.
3. You find it difficult to start new projects and/or bring them to completion.
4. You believe that emotions have no place in the workplace, and you try your best not to show them.
5. You try to plan everything and live according to this plan.
6. You need to keep everything under control and do not trust other people.
7. You constantly try to "be strong" and are afraid to show your vulnerability.
8. You try to anticipate the thoughts and actions of those around you.
9. It is difficult for you to say "no" to people without feeling guilty.
10. It is important to you that loved ones and other important people approve of your actions.
11. You are afraid of being alone and that your loved ones will leave you.
12. You doubt whether you are a good person.
13. When everything is going well in your life, you begin to experience an inexplicable melancholy and are constantly preparing for trouble internally.
14. You often find it difficult to understand what you really want and have difficulty making decisions.
15. You believe that success has come to you by chance, when in fact you are an "imposter".
16. You place your own needs last because putting them first means being selfish.
17. You feel guilty for not living up to your parents' expectations or constantly try to prove to them or other elders in the family that you are doing well.
18. You believe that the well-being of your parents depends on you.
19. If you feel and especially express irritation and anger towards loved ones, you later feel guilty about it.
20. It is difficult for you to relax, allow yourself to have fun, and do nothing.
21. You do not believe in the sincerity of compliments towards you or consider yourself unworthy of them.
22. You try to show others that everything is okay with you, even if it is not.
23. You have weight problems (excessive or insufficient body mass).
24. You often lose your temper with your child and then feel strong guilt about it, feeling like a bad parent.
25. While answering, you remembered something else that makes you uncomfortable, but it is not included here.
So, how many times have you answered “yes”?
5 or less. At the moment are at peace with yourself and achieving everything you want. Or alternatively you have a tendency to say to yourself “Well, it’s not so clear-cut,” or “Not quite like that,” and find it difficult to admit that something is really affecting you.
6-12. Well, you had a mother, so that means you have problems! But overall, you’re managing to cope with them, and maybe even think that what you said “yes” to is not a problem, but rather the norm – many people live that way. However, in everyone’s life there are periods that require significant transformations, old strategies don’t work forever, and life itself tests the strength of our habitual way of living. If you’re going through such a period, it’s time to seek professional help – it can significantly help you on your path to what you desire.
13-21. You need help. Your habitual attitudes and ways of acting bring you discomfort and create problems. If you continue like this, the quality of your life will deteriorate, and it will become increasingly difficult to climb out of this “hole.” Reach out to a professional psychotherapist or join a group to work with your Shadow.
22 or more. This is unlikely – it seems that several very different personalities live within you.
What can you do to change your situation?
When engaged in self-development, it is important not only to rely on previous knowledge but also to transform and reevaluate your past experiences. Seeking assistance from a specialist, whether through individual or group work, is highly recommended.
However, you can also make significant progress on your own by participating in a self-guided retreat in our “Inner Child — Girl” and “Inner Child — Boy” rooms. These spaces offer specific practices to help you connect with your Inner Child’s energy and take steps towards incorporating it into your daily life.